Lucid dreaming is a type of dream in which a person is aware that he is sleeping and dreaming, and at the same time controls his sleep. Lucid dreaming is controversial and is sometimes considered a dangerous disorder. However, he also has his followers who claim that with lucid dreaming you can shape your own life and achieve your dream goals. Check which techniques and methods can be used to achieve lucid dreaming.
How to get a lucid dream
Self suggestion is the easiest way to make a good night’s sleep. You should simply go to sleep with the intention of experiencing a lucid dream.
Remembering dreams – we dream something every night, but we don’t always remember the content of sleep, and remembering the details of dreams is the key to lucid dreaming. That is why it is worth keeping a dream diary in which every dream should be recorded. IMPORTANT! The content of sleep should be recorded immediately after waking up, even in the middle of the night. There is a fear that you may not remember it in the morning.

The MILD technique (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams), or the memory of lucid dreaming. In waking we notice certain objects from a dream and remember to recognize them in a dream.
Snooze – this method uses a state of natural, increased drowsiness at certain hours, e.g. in the afternoon. There is a greater chance of lucid sleep during nap during the day than during night sleep.
WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) technique consists in waking up after a few hours of sleep and falling asleep again. A technique can disturb our sleep cycle if it is not performed properly. How to perform WBTB? Go to sleep. Wake up after 6 or 7.5 hours of sleep. It is about waking up at the end of the REM phase so as not to disturb the cycle. The cycle is repeated approximately every 90 minutes. Get up from bed. Stay awake for 15-45 minutes. Try to awaken mainly the mind, not the body – so read the book best. Go to sleep again. Then … just fall asleep without thinking about anything specific. Remember the dream you woke up from and imagine it until you fall asleep. Keep telling yourself: “When I fall asleep, I will remember that I am dreaming.” This is a combination of the WBTB technique with MILD and causes the best chance of lucid sleep. Follow all instructions from the beginning. Stay awake for 1 minute. Sleep again using the same options as above.
Hand technique – this exercise involves looking at your hands awake to trigger awareness in a dream. They should be repeated several times a day just before falling asleep. Looking at the hands can after some time be smoothed by developing their image in the imagination.
Who should not use lucid sleep techniques?
Lucid dreams are not advisable for mentally ill people, especially those suffering from schizophrenia, because they can lead to a situation when the patient takes his dream as reality or is unable to distinguish between waking and sleeping. Therefore, people who have had cases of schizophrenia should be cautious about lucid dreaming (they may be inherited).