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how much is a bitcoin worth
Bitcoin (BTC) was created for digital trading without any restrictions, regardless of the distance between transaction participants. Thanks to the Bitcoin network, anyone can send money without any intermediaries. How much is a bitcoin worth, though? Bitcoin valuation The first step in formulating any valuation is to indicate the internal value...
How to cook lobster tail
Lobster is a species of crustacean from the order of decapods and the crayfish infra. The kitchen uses mainly large American lobsters and European lobsters. This dish is very exquisite and extremely tasty, although you have to push yourself - after all lobster will be cooked alive! The lobster is...
What is Graves disease
What is Graves' disease and what do you need to know about it? Who is at risk? Today we will go through this issue. What is Graves disease? Graves' and Basedov's disease is an autoimmune disease in which the autoantigen is the TSH receptor (TSHR). Its stimulation by anti-TSHR antibodies causes...
how to get rid of roaches
Roaches are very unwanted guests in our homes, and getting rid of roaches is often very time-consuming. See how to get rid of roaches. What is a roach? A roach is winged (although not flying, but only soars while falling down) insect with tentacles, usually dark red, brown or black. It...
What is a stroke
Strokes are one of the most serious problems in modern medicine because at the same time they are one of the most common causes of death and one of the main causes of disability. What is a stroke? What is a stroke? Stroke is a syndrome of more or less severe...

How to pick a lock

Opening locks, doors without keys is sometimes the only rational way, for example, when the keys are lost, and it would be a shame to break the hinges and destroy the door, which cost at least several hundred bucks. Not to mention all the dangers of doing so. Do you...
Wondering how to right click on a Mac? You are not alone. Many years ago Apple was famous for the fact that a one-button mouse is the best solution, not a two-button mouse preferred by Windows users. The legacy of this decision was a lot of confusion about right-clicking...
Letters were written in ancient times, our knowledge would be much poorer in events, information, feelings, if not for letters written by kings, friends, acquaintances, family. When was the last time you received a private letter in an envelope, delivered by post and handwritten? When did you send one like...
Unlike Windows computers, we won't find the Print Screen key on Apple keyboards. Of course, this doesn't mean you can't take a screenshot on MacBooks! There are several proven methods that make printing screen on MacOS quick and practical. Start using keyboard shortcuts to take a screenshot of the...

How to lucid dream

How to lucid dream
Lucid dreaming is a type of dream in which a person is aware that he is sleeping and dreaming, and at the same time controls his sleep. Lucid dreaming is controversial and is sometimes considered a dangerous disorder. However, he also has his followers who claim that with lucid...